Tuesday, December 05, 2006

CSO cache system with WIFI support - Release 3

- Improved the CSO reading speed through WIFI connection, I got over 4mbps(500kbytes) peak data rate and average 200kbyes per second(game: Dragon ball z) in my test. Please note actual data rate you can get is highly depends on your WIFI setup, environment and even the data reading pattern of a particular game.

nethostfs.exe 1.5a for Windows
- Now you can put CSO files in any folder of nethost0:/

Known game incompatible with WIFI feature
- Tekken

installation guide
- Make sure you have installed my mod version 1.65c3
- Unrar and copy all files in folder "dh" to "ms0:/dh", overwrite old version files if needed.
- Copy nethostfs.exe in "pctool" (need cygwin1.dll from full package) to your PC folder contains your original CSO files and run it.
- Edit "ms0:/dh/hostip.txt" to match IP address of your desktop PC.
- Please make sure you can use first network infrastruction connection setting to connect PSP to your desktop PC.
- Please re-copy("Copy to MS") CSO cache file by using the new version Vshexmod 1.26b comes with this patch. Previous version of Vshexmod has bug and always copy incomplete CSO cache file.
- Run the cache CSO file from "ms0:/iso/cache"
- When you play the game and game data is missing from cache file the system will try to load game data from original CSO file in "ms0:/iso", then "usbhostfs0:/iso"(if USBFS is enabled) and lastly the "nethost0:/"(any fodler) by WIFI connection. The new game data will be appended to CSO cache file if the CSO Cache flag is enalbled. WIFI connection will be closed if idle for more than 15 seconds(may be longer depends on how frequent the game read data from CSO file) to conserve battery power.

* The core modules for WIFI connection(nethostfs.prx, nethostfs_dev.prx, netuser.prx and nethostfs.exe) were taken from IRSHELL by AhMan and have been enhanced from original souce code of daxdumper by DarkAleX. Emulated FW2.71 with HEN_D is needed for these modules.

SendSpace or MegaUpload


Blogger kingofauzi said...

Will you release a new DevHook launcher mod with 3.01 emulation support ?

Now you can do (if you want ^^) it with the new Booster's Devhook and his SDK :)

Good luck and "@ +", like we say in France :)

8:28 AM  
Blogger Codes said...

Awsome... and like kingofauzi, I look forward to dh .51 support (epecialy for Hen D, I'm a TA-82er)

One problem I've noticed with the launcher is that when the launcher is loader in Hen D and then exited (without launching the new firmware at all) , such as when "swtch to devhook .45" is selected, hen d is disabled, causing me to spend many minutes getting it back and running. Now that would be a nice fix.

3:06 PM  
Blogger DCJoeDog said...

can someone post a step by step guide on how to use this or link me to a tutorial with this information

4:23 AM  
Blogger DCJoeDog said...

one of the things I am getting confused about is this "copy to ms" stuff, I have no idea where to find this option, I can make idx files just fine but how do I make the cso cache from this point?

8:40 AM  
Blogger Chunglam said...

Press "SELECT" to switch functions - "Mount", "Copy to MS" and "Remove".

3:11 PM  
Blogger DCJoeDog said...

yeah, you may want to clarify that you hit the "select" button on the ISO/CSO you were just playing, and that this changes the function to "copy to ms"

again, to clarify, when you first selected the game to mount it, you do the same again, except this time instead of hitting analog right to mount, you hit "select" to change the function to "copy to ms"

I literally figured out what to do minutes before looking at your reply LOL

7:11 PM  
Blogger DCJoeDog said...

hmm, I can't seem to copy thing overt the wifi connection. When you say make sure the first connection can connect to desktop, do you mean like I do with irshell? Because I can run that with full nethost redirect mode on with no porblems but I can't seem to get this cso cache over wifi working. what am I doing wrong? Please help, I am trying to figurre this out so I can post it in my forum and help others as well.


8:34 PM  
Blogger Overo said...

I have the same Jose problem here: I manage to set up CSO cache copy over USB, it means I am able to play all my cso iso using USB cable and I am able to create CSO cache file and it is pretty simple for me to load cso cache iso from cache directory.
The only problem is when I disconnect my usb cable: the wi-fi led switchs on and it starts looking for a wi-fi connection available....and...it stops!! No wi-fi cache working..I wonder why..
I setted up my ip address on text file in dh directory on my psp and I also configured on NAT the correct IP address with the specified streaming port.
Under IRSHELL I am able to open a NETHOST connection....so..I think it is a devhook problem....
I repeat: I am able to play using the USB cable; I am able to play using the cache cso file and the usb cable...when I try to play using cso cache file without usb cable it doesn't stream data over wi-fi....Which is my error??



2:09 AM  
Blogger Overo said...

Let me add another thing:
Under IRSHELL 3.0, after I launch on my PC nethostfs.exe and connection waiting message appears on DOS screen, after this, if I choose on IRSHELL NETHOST mode I can see on DOS windows a message saying that a connection has been estabilished with my psp IP address. I guess it should mean that nethost in well configured and also txt file inside my psp (the with one with my Pc IP address) is configured well.
What's the matter with wi-fi streaming then? I really can't understand.
I could only say that when I choose a cso cache file to mount and start playing (without usb cable connection) I see wi-fi switch is green but on DOS Nehostfs window I can't see any message saying my PSP is connected. It should mean that there is some problem with wi-fi connection when it start streaming from PC....But I don't have this problem under IRSHELL...I only have this problem while streaming from chunglam devhook...
Any help?


3:00 AM  
Blogger Chunglam said...

Please make sure you test wifi connection under emulated firmware not the stock before you start devhook launcher, you also need to enable HEN for devhook that means the emulated fw has to be 2.71.

3:22 AM  
Blogger Overo said...

My firmware is 2.71SE-C
If I look under devhook selection firmware menĂ¹ I can only read "2.71 (NAND FLASH)"...no other firmware.
Do I miss something?
HEN is already enabled.

3:40 AM  
Blogger Chunglam said...

Can you make wifi connection using IRSHELL under emulated firmware?

4:07 AM  
Blogger Overo said...

I can't see any IRSHELL icon after I launch 2.71 firmware emulation.
I only see DEVHOOK icons (main and configuration) and can switch between usbhost and ms host. Not possibile to see other homebrew icons.

4:11 AM  
Blogger Overo said...

Explain me how to emulate a firmware please. Do I have to copy firmware 2.71 file somewehere into devhook directory and choose it from devhook selection menĂ¹?

4:13 AM  
Blogger Chunglam said...

The ms fw2.71 emulation is same as fw2.71(NANDFlash)emulation. Yes, you have to dump the fw files by yourself. In fact, loading NANDFlash mode is faster than ms mode because devhook read fw files from PSP internal flash memory. To run IRSHELL under emulated fw, you may need to copy irshell271 from game271 to game folder

4:22 AM  
Blogger Overo said...

Ok, under IRSHELL, running in emulated 2.71 firmware, Nethostfs is accepting connection correctly.

what else I have to try?

4:32 AM  
Blogger Chunglam said...

Do you enable password protection in nethostfs?

4:40 AM  
Blogger Chunglam said...

Hi Overo,

Could you e-mail me than I send you a special build of launcher to test wifi connection?

4:47 AM  
Blogger Overo said...

My email is: saveconi@libero.it
I just sent you an email.



5:01 AM  
Blogger DCJoeDog said...

This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

11:02 AM  
Blogger DCJoeDog said...

I can confirm that under 2.71 with "HEN" mode on in DevHook in the XMB I can get an internet connection, also, in irShell I can get nethost to fully work. Once again this is all on 2.71 running in DH with the "HEN" option turned on

9:53 PM  
Blogger DCJoeDog said...

FINALLY< I think I got it working, the game is Guitaroo Man Lives, and it seems to need a file, it connects, gets the one file and then disconnects, and then repeats for all files needed, is this the correct behavior??

9:59 PM  
Blogger DCJoeDog said...

btw, i had to change irShell from GAME271 to just GAME, don't know if it helped but that seems to be the ONLY thing I have changed at all

10:06 PM  
Blogger Chunglam said...

Press CIRCLE to start emulation or remove "ms0:/dh/res/dummy.cso" to prevent auto dummy substitution.

10:34 PM  
Blogger dil said...

Hi all
Thanks for the release Chunglam.

I cant get the games to load over wifi
i've followed the instructions that came with the program.
Is it possible for it to happen with a 1.5 psp.

5:18 AM  
Blogger Steve said...

First, let me say thanks!! I think your launcher is really great! Looking forward further enhancements ;)

Now my question...Can you please help me to get the wifi working? I am able to use correctly the CSO caching over the USB (it works great!)
When I disconnect the USB cable, and try to access the game from the cache, it loads up from the memory stick, but then never attempts to connect to the PC to access the non cached parts of the cso file. I dont even see the wifi light come on. I do see the light on the memmory stick flash rapidly, and seems to continue retrying forever, but never the wifi light comes on. If I plug the USB cable in during this time, it reconnects to usbfs, and continues loading the missing pieces.

I have followed your instructions, including editing the text file with the IP address of my server, but it never starts the wifi.

Seperately, I have been able to use the wifi for internet browsing from both the native fw (1.5) and the devhook emulated 2.71. Also, I have attempted to run IRShell and have been able to succesfully connect to hostfs and see the file system on the server.

Do I have to use your launcher with the IRshell or does it work independently? Are there some steps I am missing?

thanks in advance for your support!! ....and keep up the great work.

9:22 AM  
Blogger MISNOMER said...

You say that I can load isos from any sub dir on NETHOSTFS:\\ISO\whateverdir

and the CSO cache system looks to ms0:\cache first
then ms0:\ISO second
then nethostfs:\\ISO\whateverdir last

my question is..since my iso is in a subdir eg. NETHOSTFS:\\ISO\smallgames\my.cso

will the cso cache system look to USBHOST:\\ISO\smallgames\my.cso

or will it only look to USBHOST:\\ISO\my.cso

i like to categorize my isos by size small < 500MB
med < 1000MB
large > 1000MB

it makes it easier when deciding what games to put on a memory stick, and it would be a pain to go back to dumping all isos in 1 big folder just to take full advantage of this nice cso cache.

9:10 PM  

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